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Can A Network Marketing Business REALLY Be Run Exclusively Online?

For many people, the words “network marketing” or “MLM”
(multi-level marketing) conjure up images of hitting up your
so-called “warm market” (those two or three hundred people
near and dear to you as well as those unfortunate enough
to have crossed your path at some time in the distant past)
and pleading, cajoling, persuading, arguing and plain
pressuring them to join your program. Or organizing house
parties and presentations to make your pitch to a captive
audience. Or having to approach complete strangers while
standing in line at the supermarket.

Any or all of these options may be unpalatable to you, and
for good reason. They certainly were to me. But what if
you didn’t have to do any of that? What if there was a way
to have people approach YOU to join your business rather
than the other way around? What if you didn’t have to hold
face-to-face meetings at ALL? What if you didn’t have to
make a single approach to someone you know? Or to
someone you don’t? Would you think differently about
network marketing then?

Well, there is such a way. Running a network marketing
business using the Internet.

I’ve heard many people say that it’s just not possible to run
a network marketing business exclusively online. Well, I’m
here to tell you different. Because I’m doing it and if I can
do it, so can you.

Before I tell you a bit more about how a network marketing
business can be run exclusively online, let me clear up a
couple of possible misconceptions. First, ru

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